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Roulette Betting Options

Last updated: 04.01.2024 by Chris Mwangi

For those who have always been intrigued by the different types of wagers that one can place in roulette, you are in for a treat. In this guide, we will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of every major type of bet, including the specific numbers that each bet covers and whether or not they are worth your consideration. So, without further ado, let's delve into the various betting options that are available to you on the roulette wheel.

Inside Bets

If you're interested in learning about the different types of bets available in roulette, you've come to the right place. Inside Bets are so named because they are positioned within the betting table and are usually surrounded by Outside Bets. There are several types of Inside Bets, and we'll briefly explain each one. Let's explore the fundamentals of the game of roulette and how these bets can impact your experience. To give you a better understanding of what you're in for, we've included the payout for each type of bet. Let's get started!

  • Straight up 1

    A Straight Bet involves placing a bet on a single number on the roulette wheel, which usually contains 37 or 38 numbers. The payout for this type of bet is 35:1.

  • Split 2

    A Split Bet is where you place your chip in between two numbers, covering both of them. For instance, if you place your chip in between black 13 and red 14, you've made a Split Bet. The payout for this type of bet is 17:1.

  • Street 3

    A Street Bet is where you bet on three numbers by placing your chip at the beginning of a horizontal line. So, if you place your chip at the start to cover 13, 14, and 15, for example, you've made a Street Bet. The payout for this type of bet is 11:1.

  • Corner 4

    A Corner Bet is an exciting type of bet that involves placing your chip where four number borders meet, thereby betting on a square of four numbers. For example, you can place a bet on 8, 9, 11, and 12. The payout for this type of bet is 8:1, making it a great option.

  • 5 numbers 5

    A Basket Bet is a bet on five numbers that is only available in American Roulette and includes 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3. The payout for this type of bet is 6:1.

  • Six Line 6

    A Line Bet involves betting on two horizontal lines by placing your chip at the start where they intersect. For instance, you can bet on 25-30. The payout for this type of bet is 5:1.

Inside Bets

Outside Bets

Moving forward, we have the Outside Bets, which offer interesting options to bet on. Let's now explore how these bets function and what each one entails.

  • Column 1

    A Column Bet is a wager that covers 12 numbers, such as 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34. If you win, you will receive a payout of 2:1.

  • Dozen 2

    The Dozen Bet involves betting on one of three columns, namely 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36. You can bet on one, two, or all three columns, but remember that the payout is only 2:1.

  • Red/Black 3

    The Red or Black bet, also known as the Even Money bet, pays out at 1:1 and covers all numbers except 0.

  • High/Low 4

    The Low/High Bet is another Even Money bet that you can place on either the Low (1-18) or High (19-36) numbers. With 18 numbers covered in each bet, the payout is 1:1, with less than a 50% chance of winning.

  • Even/Odd 5

    Even or Odd is another Even Money bet where you bet on either Even or Odd numbers on the roulette wheel. This bet covers 18 numbers in total and gives you a nearly 50% chance of winning.

Outside Bets

Call Bets

You may already be familiar with these types of bets. They're also known as French bets and operate in the same way. Announced bets are made by verbally stating which bet you want to place before physically placing the chips. The croupier or live dealer will make a note of the bet and the numbers it covers before closing the betting.

Casinos prefer announced bets because they speed up gameplay by eliminating the need for players to physically place chips. To facilitate this, casinos train their croupiers to remember which announced bets have been placed and the numbers they cover. This enables quicker gameplay and is where the bets get their name from. There are several announced bets to choose from, including:

  • Voisins du Zero

    Voisins du Zero, which covers the 17 numbers between 22 and 25, providing you with a 46% chance of success.

  • Tiers du Cylindre

    Le Tiers du Cylindre, which covers one-third of the wheel, including 12 numbers between 27 and 33.

  • Orphelins

    Orphelins or orphans, which cover eight numbers, including 17, 34, 6, 1, 20, 14, 31, and 9.

  • Jeu Zero

    Jeu Zero, which covers the numbers closest to 0, specifically 12, 35, 3, 26, 0, 32, and 15 as they appear on the wheel.

  • Neighbours

    Neighbors, which is a bet on five numbers, specifically 34, 25, 17, 6, and 27.

Announced Bets

Other Bets

While the bets we have covered so far are commonly found in many roulette variations, there are some unique bets that you may not be familiar with. We want to make sure you're aware of them, so let's take a closer look at two of these bets:

Snake Bet

Snake Bet is a wager that weaves around the roulette wheel and covers a total of 12 numbers, including 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32, and 34.

Snake Bets

Finals Bet

Finals Bet is a type of bet where you place a wager on all numbers ending with a specific digit. For example, a final 4 bet covers 4, 14, 24, and 34, while a final 8 bet covers 8, 18, and 28 at once. These unique bets offer a different way to enjoy roulette, and they're definitely worth considering.